
Here are some of the places that you can plug in at the Overland Park Church of God (Holiness):

A church is made up of people of all age-groups. Thus, there is a need for ministries (organizations) that assist everyone in their quests to serve Christ well.

– Youth Services: Usually held on Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM at the church

– 60’s+: A social gathering for senior adults 60 years and older. This group meets about once each month for food and fellowship. Call the church office to find out about our next scheduled event.

– Prayer meeting: Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM join us for prayer, Bible study, and a time of sharing personal testimonies of God’s involvement in our daily lives.

– Men’s Breakfast: An occasional gathering of the men of the church (all ages) for food and fellowship usually at 8:00 AM on a pre-announced Saturday.

– Sweet Tuesday: The ladies’ turn to gather and enjoy one another. Usually held on a Tuesday evening, this is a time of food, devotional time, and fellowship. Call us to indicate your interest and to see if an event is scheduled.

If we can help you in any way, please get in touch with us.

Event & Announcements

Schedule of Services


Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship – 10:45 a.m.
Evening Worship – 6:00 p.m.


Prayer and Praise – 7:30 p.m.

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